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Getting the right equipment for your music studio is very important, but that isn’t all. Equipment don’t and can’t take care of themselves, and that is something you have to consciously do by yourself.
As a Studio manager, Musician or Audio Producer, you need to be knowledgeable about how to preserve and protect the equipment that helps you produce great music.
And in this article, we’ll be covering ten essential tips to help you protect your music recording equipment from damage, theft or any other thing that can damage or shorten the life span of your studio equipment.


  1. Keep an Inventory of your Equipment
    It is important to keep an inventory of all the equipment in your studio. You can take the inventory of all your  equipment as you buy them with the date purchased, name of equipment model, serial number, place of purchase, and any other useful information about the equipment. Keeping a list makes you aware of what equipment you have, and helps you safeguard it from thieves.
    Don’t rely on your memory as an inventory record, rather keep a manual or computerized inventory record of everything of value in your studio.
  2. Say no to Dust
    Dust is a substance that if left to build up will get into equipment and cause damage to them. To prevent dust in the studio, ensure you wipe surfaces clean. Schedule a routine cleaning of your studio equipment as well. You can also make use of dust covers or blankets to protect your equipment from dust.
  3. Keep a no eating and drinking policy
    Don’t bring food and drinks to the control room.
    As simple as this sounds, it can cause real damage if ignored. Food and drinks can spill on equipment and cause severe damage to them, and so it should be totally avoided.
    If you get hungry or thirsty while in the recording studio, the proper thing to do is to take a break to snack or drink your coffee or juice outside the studio. That way, you’ll avoid issues that can arise with spills in the studio.
  4. Install Security Cameras
    Installing a surveillance system in your studio is a great way to protect your music studio equipment from thieves. Security cameras will discourage potential thieves from carting away with your equipment.
    Get a camera that has the feature of night vision and link it up to your smartphone or computer. And ensure that you check your cameras from time to time to detect any suspicious moves.
  5. No smoking Policy
    You should have a no smoking policy in your studio and ensure it is adhered to strictly. Smoking can easily and innocently cause fire outbreak that can burn a studio to the ground.
    Also, the smoke emitted by cigarettes and hard drugs damages equipments and shouldn’t be allowed in the recording studio.
  6. Tag your Equipment
    Tagging your equipment is a great way of protecting them. Etch your initials on all your equipment, or put a number or any other identity mark on them. It will discourage theft and make it difficult for thieves to resell your equipment.
  7. Get a good Insurance Policy
    To protect your equipment, it is great to get insurance for them. This insurance policy will protect them from theft and damage from fire or water.
    A good insurance policy protects your music recording equipment by indemnify you should your equipment gets damaged or stolen.
  8. Secure Your Studios equipment
    Make it difficult for your studio equipment to be stolen by putting in place a tight security system. Use good locks and keys, mount your equipment in steel racks, and install an alarm system. Find a way to make it physically impossible for thieves to move your equipment without attracting attention.
  9. Proper arrangements of equipment
    Studio equipment should be arranged properly so they can have a longer lifespan. They shouldn’t be stacked on top of each other as this can cause damage to them.
    Stacking things like vinyl records can cause the records to warp, and other equipment can fall apart when stack on top of one another.
  10. Register your Equipment
    Make sure all your equipment are registered with the manufacturer when you purchase them. This will protect your equipment and prevent them from being resold in a situation where they are stolen. By tracing the serial numbers to you, it shows your ownership status and can as well help you get your equipment back if stolen.

Getting equipment for your recording studio is no joke and you should do your best to take good care of them and keep them safe.
The tips covered in this article will help you protect your studio equipment so that they can last you for many years.

We at can help you build your recording studio for you. And if you’re looking for a state of the art studio to produce your next record, we got you covered.
CLICK HERE to get professional help from Socastin Team.



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