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Let’s talk about Streaming Server

Streaming server
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Do you know that, no matter how good your broadcasting Microphone is or how smooth your monitor sound sounds, if the  audio quality of your streaming server is low, your output on air won’t be good.



Let me explain this in simpler terms.

Imagine you are riding a brand new Ferrari on a very bad road with multiple port holes at every meter, no matter the speed capacity of that Ferrari, it can’t run fast on such a road.



Imagine a singer with an awesome voice singing from a music room, but the speaker that’s sending her music to the general audience is bad and of low quality. That’s the same thing that happens when you use a streaming server that’s of a low audio quality.

Now what should you do?

Choose a streaming server plan with a high audio quality. 128kbps is normal, but go with an audio as high as 320kbps.

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You know your listeners don’t have access to your studio. They don’t even know the kind of gadgets you are using. They don’t have an idea of your studio monitor output, whether it’s good or not. All they know is the quality of sound they are listening to from your Radio Station App or Radio Website.

NOTE: Some people have some reasons for choosing average audio quality because they believe it will allow listeners with weak internet connections enjoy their radio stream. That’s not the case most of the time.




Because there are servers that are programmed to detect internet connection strength and then automatically adjust the audio quality for easy buffering and transfers to a user/listener according to his network strength.


So, as we can see, it’s better to provide the high audio quality and let the server handle the adjustments on the fly for each user based on their network strength.

This is one of the reasons one have to be vigilant when choosing a radio streaming server.




You can check this link for some recommended streaming server plans:


Did you find value from the short lessons shared above? Drop your comments below.

If you need help on choosing a suitable streaming server plan for your station or have any issue with your broadcasting setup, you are free to let me know.



#OnlineRadio #OnlineTV #AudioVisual #DigitalMedia #DigitalStreaming #Broadcasting #Presenters #Livestreaming #LiveVideo #Socastin #Savadub #StreamingServer

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