FINDING THE PERFECT TIME FOR YOUR RADIO BROADCAST All Broadcasting Radio Streaming Tips by socadmin - November 3, 20240 Time is an essential element of broadcasting. It is not enough to keep people informed about developments around them or to keep them entertained. It is also of utmost importance that each broadcast is delivered to the people they are meant for and at the time such people are most available to listen to them. Different radio broadcast programmes appeal to, and are meant for different categories of people. And in this post, we will be looking at the best time to reach specific groups of people with your broadcast. News The presentation of news can be said to the hallmark of broadcasting. While this is not applicable to every broadcasting station, there are some stations such as CNN, BBC, AJAZERRA, CHANNELS, etc,
WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER STARTING AN ONLINE RADIO STATION FOR YOUR CHURCH All Broadcasting Radio Streaming Studio by socadmin - November 3, 20240 We live in a world that has been permanently altered with the discovery of technology. Technology has changed and immensely improved the way we communicate, and the church sphere is not an exception. Here are ten reasons why you should consider having and running an online radio station for your church.. Wider reach You desire to reach more people with the gospel message and you're wondering how to get it done, internet radio is the answer you've been looking for. Having an online radio station for your church means that people who previously aren't aware of you can now find you and get to connect with your messages, services and programs. And what could be better than that? It is inexpensive. Online radio broadcasting presents