HOW TO WRITE A POWERFUL COPY FOR A RADIO ADVERT All Broadcasting Radio by socadmin - November 7, 20240 Radio is a dynamic medium of communication with the capability to reach a wide and diverse audience. And it is often used to transmit adverts of various products and services. In the advertising domain, copy refers to the written or spoken words used to inform a target audience about goods and services. A radio copy provides the 'why' for which a consumer should get a particular product. A powerful radio copy stimulates the desire of potential consumers hearing the advert to get the product or service being advertised. The following tips are necessary to write a powerful radio copy. Detailed Research This is the first step to writing a powerful radio copy. There is need to gather and analyze facts about the product, service
HOW TO SELL RADIO ADVERTISING/ AIR-TIME All Radio by socadmin - June 12, 20240 One of the ways to make profit running an online/internet radio is to sell radio ads (air-time). The best way to sell radio ads is to convince your clients that they need them by showing them the bottom line. The bottom line to convince them are listed and shared below: 1. Advertainments Are Aired Quickly. It takes weeks, if not months of production before the target audience ever sees advertisements on newspapers or television. Online radio advertisements can be written, produced, and aired all in the same day if the station has open advertising slots on its program log. You can use expediency as a key selling point. Make use of festive periods and holiday seasons to sell lots of slots either